Type system

Results: 9144

971Letter case / Computing / System software / Computer architecture / Typography / Underline / Disk formatting

Type Your Title Here, Please Use Title Case List Authors here, please underline presenting Author1, Author 21, Author 32 etc Affiliations for all authors. 1Institution 1, 2Instition 2 etc (maximum 3 lines) Introduction.

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Source URL: cbsmwa.org.au

Language: English - Date: 2012-07-10 09:25:24
972Cybernetics / Fuzzy logic / Applications of artificial intelligence / Lotfi A. Zadeh / Expert system / Logic programming / Intelligent agent / Type-2 fuzzy sets and systems / Fuzzy electronics / Artificial intelligence / Science / Logic

Xmas ad - Journal:Layout 1

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Source URL: www.saimm.co.za

Language: English - Date: 2015-01-19 14:58:48
973Programming language theory / Type system / Lambda calculus / Subtype polymorphism / System F / Π-calculus / Type safety / Type theory / Software engineering / Theoretical computer science

Under consideration for publication in Math. Struct. in Comp. Science A Type System for Discretionary Access Control M I C H E L E B U G L I E S I1 , D A R I O C O L A Z Z O2 , S I L V I A C R A F A3 , and D A M I A N O

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Source URL: www.dsi.unive.it

Language: English - Date: 2010-06-10 05:02:46
974Type theory / PARI/GP / Portable software / C++ / Declaration / Type system / C++ classes / Function / Variable / Software / Computing / Data types

An introduction to gp2c By Bill Allombert and Ariel Pacetti February 22, 2012 Contents 1 What is gp2c?

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Source URL: pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr

Language: English - Date: 2012-02-22 04:04:50
975Weapon Locating Radar / Joint Electronics Type Designation System / Targeting / AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radar / AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder radar / Radar / Technology / Military science

AN/TPQ-49 Counterfire Radar The lightweight AN/TPQ-49 counterfire radar provides early warning for incoming rocket, artillery and mortar (RAM) fire and weapon locating capabilities. ® The LCMR family of

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Source URL: www.srcinc.com

Language: English - Date: 2013-09-20 16:02:34
976Diabetes / Eli Lilly and Company / Insulin / Diabetes mellitus / University of Hawaii at Hilo / Exercise physiology / Physical exercise / Medicine / Biology / Endocrine system

The Science behind Type II Diabetes

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Source URL: hilo.hawaii.edu

Language: English - Date: 2015-01-21 19:26:08
977Zoology / Sonar / Earth / Equipment of the United States Navy / Joint Electronics Type Designation System / Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System / Bottlenose dolphin / Dolphin / Environmental impact statement / Impact assessment / Oceanic dolphins / Environment


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Source URL: www.surtass-lfa-eis.com

Language: English - Date: 2015-02-02 10:50:29
978Object-oriented programming / Computer programming / Data types / Polymorphism / Subtype polymorphism / Models of computation / Type system / Inheritance / Objective-C / Software engineering / Type theory / Computing

Fundamenta Informaticae XX–39 IOS Press A Subtyping for Extensible, Incomplete Objects To Helena Rasiowa: in memoriam

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Source URL: www.dsi.unive.it

Language: English - Date: 2005-06-07 06:34:34
979Object-oriented programming / Object / Common Lisp Object System / Constant / Type system / Mutator method / Self / Object model / Prototype-based programming / Software engineering / Computer programming / Computing

A (Not So) Short Introduction to S4 Object Oriented Programming in R V0.5.1 Christophe Genolini August 20, 2008

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Source URL: cran.dcc.fc.up.pt

Language: English - Date: 2008-08-20 09:09:33
980Psychometrics / ISO / Type system / Test / HTML element / Evaluation / Measurement / Education / Educational psychology

DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination, January 2003

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Source URL: www.missouristate.edu

Language: English - Date: 2008-05-15 15:52:11